Catastrophic Failure...
And I thought everything was just perfect... Until....
I was over at my boyfriend's house when I had been notified that my basement (The location of the server rack) was slowly flooding with water that had built up from the non-stop rain we had been getting that week.

In response, I immediately returned home and started removing all of my equipment in an effort to save it from liquid exposure.
As a result, I practically ripped the equipment out yanking cabling and scattering everything, leaving the lab in complete chaos and completely unfunctional.

I struggled to get a feasible internet connection using the little equipment I had, but I managed to hack together a 10/100 Wireless N router with DD-WRT on it to patch into our modem downstairs to provide internet for my parents and I.
As for my lab, I had some serious work to do to bring it back into service after we corrected the flooding issue...