Things are starting to shape up!

Acquiring Hardware

Legacy (History) Feb 1, 2019

After obtaining my Dell R410, I started to realize just how much money I was throwing at this wild "dream" I had and said screw it and continued to dump money into this project aimlessly...

I had a friend who worked IT for a local company who was selling an R310, and I thought it would be PERFECT for a network operations server (Routing, DNS, VPN, etc.) and I immediately purchased it for the lab.

It was pretty bare-bones, 320GB HDD, 8GB of RAM, and one socket containing a Xeon X3460.

I got lucky, it also had iDRAC 6.0 for remote management, just like the R410!

Hell, the server even came with a free Avaya/Nortel switch! 48 ports and only 9 devices to attach to it! Overkill as hell, but why not! Too bad the interface was absolutely useless as it was written in Java.

Things are starting to shape up!



IT Specialist, Otter enthusiast, Plastic Guitar Aficionado | 🏳️‍🌈 | 22

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